The list contains all publications as a main researcher or as a collaborator.
Please, contact me for any of the files.
Please, contact me for any of the files.
Articles in scholarly journals
[28] Sánchez-Hernández, J., Jiménez-Corbacho, C., García-Astillero, A., and Arranz, I. 2024. First evidence of feeding on micromammal and fish by a cyprinid species (Squalius carolitertii) in lacustrine food webs. Food webs.
[27] Gurí, R.*, Benejam, L., Ordeix, M., and Arranz, I. 2024. Assessing water diversion impacts on the fish community size structure in headwater stream stretches. Hydrobiologia. *co-supervision
[26] Arranz, I., Batllori, E., Linares, C., Ripple, W.J., and Bonada, N. 2024. Integrative research of Mediterranean climate regions: a global call to action. Environmental Conservation.
[25] Arranz, I., Grenouillet, G., and Cucherousset, J. 2023. Modulating effects of human pressures on climate warming-induced changes in size spectra of stream fish communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 7: 1072–1078.
[24] Xu, M., and Arranz, I. 2023. Maximum Entropy models predict the spatial variation in fish metabolic scaling in stream communities. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92: 1203–1215.
[23] Arranz, I., Grenouillet, G., and Cucherousset, J. 2023. Biological invasions and eutrophication reshape the spatial patterns of stream fish size spectra. Diversity and Distributions, 29: 590–597.
[22] Marin, V.*, Arranz, I., Grenouillet, G., and Cucherousset, J. 2023. Fish size spectrum as a complementary biomonitoring approach of freshwater ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 146: e109833. *co-supervision
[21] Gurí, R.*, Arranz, I., Ordeix, M., and García-Comas, C. 2023. Automated image processing to determine the community size structure of riverine macroinvertebrates. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 191: e64320. *co-supervision
[20] Arranz, I., Nobre, R., Cucherousset, J., Carvalho, A., Favriou, P., Garcia, F., Gimenez, M., Imbert, A., Marin, V., and Paz-Vinas, I. 2022. Promoting lab culture to enhance academic resilience during crises. Ecology and Evolution, 12: e8986.
[19] Arranz, I., Brucet, S., Bartrons, M., García-Comas, C., Alcaraz, C., Bardina, M., Barquero, P. N., Casals, F., Caiola, N., Duran, M. C., García-Berthou, E., Maceda-Veiga, A., Munné, A., Rodríguez-Pérez, M. J., Solà, C., de Sostoa, A., and Benejam, L. 2022. Individual body mass and length dataset for over 12,000 fish from Iberian streams. Data in Brief, 42: 108248.
[18] Arranz, I., Benejam, L., and Miranda, R. 2022. The how, the why, and the what of a new freshwater fish dataset of individual body size in the Iberian Peninsula. Biology and Life Sciences Forum, 13: 18.
[17] Gurí, R.*, Arranz, I., Benejam, L., and Ordeix, M. 2022. Fish community size structure as indicator for bioassessment of weir’s impacts. Biology and Life Sciences Forum, 13: 72. *co-supervision
[16] Arranz, I.ª, Davidson, T. A., Benejam, L., Brucet, S., Sánchez-Hernández, J., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T. L., Mazzeo, N., Vidal, N., Özkan, K., Gallego, I., Wischnewski, J., Menezes, R. F., Tserenpil, Sh., and Jeppesen, E. 2022. Interactive effects of lake morphometry and sticklebacks on the trophic position of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) across lakes in Western Greenland. Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research, 8: 101–115.ªthesis chapter
[15] Arranz, I., Fournier, B., Lester, N. P., Shuter, B. J., and Peres-Neto, P. R. 2022. Species compositions mediate biomass conservation: the case of lake fish communities. Ecology, 103(3): e3608.
[14] Jiménez-Prado, J.*, and Arranz, I. 2021. The response of fish size and species diversity to environmental gradients in two Neotropical coastal streams. Hydrobiologia, 848: 4419-4432. *supervision
[13] Arranz, I., Brucet, S., Bartrons, M., García-Comas, C. and Benejam, L. 2021. Fish size spectra are affected by nutrient concentration and relative abundance of non-native species across streams of the NE Iberian Peninsula. Science of The Total Environment, 795(15): 148792.
[12] Sgarzi, S., Brucet, S., Bartrons, M., Arranz, I., Benejam, L., and Badosa, A. 2020. Factors Influencing Abundances and Population Size Structure of the Threatened and Endemic Cyprinodont Aphanius iberus in Mediterranean Brackish Ponds. Water, 12(11): 3264.
[11] Arranz, I.ª, Hsieh, C. H., Mehner, T. and Brucet, S. 2019. Systematic deviations from linear size spectra of lake fish communities are correlated with predator-prey interactions and lake-use intensity. Oikos, 128(1): 33-44.ªthesis chapter
[10] Bartrons, M., Arranz, I., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Sgarzi, S., Lauridsen, T., Landkildehus, F., Quintana, X., Brucet, S. and Jeppesen, E. 2018. Fish shift the feeding behaviour and trophic niche diversification of their prey in subarctic Lake Mývatn, Iceland. Hydrobiologia, 816(1): 243–254.
[9] Busquets, L., Arranz, I., Panisello, M. and Valle, L. 2018. New species of Harpellales and Amoebidiales from the N-E Iberian Peninsula. Nova Hedwigia, 107(3-4): 437-457.
[8] Ersoy, Z., Jeppesen, E., Sgarzi, S., Arranz, I., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Quintana, X.D., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Bartrons, M. and Brucet, S. 2017. Size-based interactions and trophic transfer efficiency are modified by fish predation and cyanobacteria blooms in Lake Myvatn, Iceland. Freshwater Biology, 62: 1942–1952.
[7] Brucet, S., Arranz, I.ª, Mehner, T., Argillier, C., Beklioglu, M., Benejam, L., Boll, T., Homlgren, K., Lauridsen, T., Svenning, J., Winfield, I. and Jeppesen, E. 2017. Size diversity and species diversity relationships in fish assemblages of Western Palaearctic lakes. Ecography, 41: 1064–1076. ªthesis chapter
[6] Trochine, C., Brucet, S., Argillier, C., Arranz, I., Beklioglu, M., Benejam, L., Ferreira, T., Hesthagen, T., Kerstin, H., Jeppesen, E., Kelly, F., Krause, T. Rask, M., Volta, P., Winfield, I.J. and Mehner, T. 2017. Non-native Fish Occurrence and Biomass in 1943 Western Palearctic Lakes and Reservoirs and their Abiotic and Biotic Correlates. Ecosystems.
[5] Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Sgarzi, S., Arranz, I., Quintana, X. D., Ersoy, Z., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T., Jeppesen, E. and Brucet, S. 2017. Role of predation in biological communities in naturally eutrophic subarctic Lake Mývatn, Iceland. Hydrobiologia, 790: 213–223.
[4] Arranz, I.ª, Mehner, T., Benejam, Ll., Argillier, C., Holmgren, K., Jeppesen, E., Lauridsen, T.L, Volta, P., Winfield, I.J. and Brucet, S. 2016. Density-dependent effects as key drivers of intraspecific size structure of six abundant fish species in lakes across Europe. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 72: 1-16. ªthesis chapter
[3] Gascón, S., Arranz, I., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Nebra, A., Ruhí, A., Rieradevall, M., Caiola, N., Sala, J., Ibàñez, C., Quintana, X.D. and Boix, D. 2016. Environmental filtering determines metacommunity structure in wetland microcrustaceans. Oecologia, 181: 193-205.
[2] Arranz, I., Sala, J., Gascón, S., Ruhí, A., Quintana, X.D., Amoedo, J., Martinoy, M. and Boix, D. 2015. Contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of Chaoborus species (Diptera: Chaoboridae) in the NE Iberian Peninsula, with notes on the spatial and temporal segregation among them. Limnetica, 34: 57-68.
[1] Valle, L. G., and Arranz I. 2014. Prevalence dynamics of two endosymbiont fungi (Orphella spp. Harpellales: Kickxellomycotina) and host shift among different Leuctra (Plecoptera) species in a stream community. Fungal Ecology, 7: 27-38.
Other publications
[8] Arranz, I. and Cucherousset, J. 2023. Climate warming effects on stream-fish size spectra are modulated by other perturbations. Research briefing, Nature Ecology and Evolution.
[7] Arranz, I. 2022. Madrija – Parachondrostoma turiense. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. López, P., Martín, J., García-Berthou, E. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.
[6] Arranz, I. 2019. Perca de río – Perca fluviatilis. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. López, P., Martín, J., García-Berthou, E. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.
[5] Arranz, I., and Benejam, L. 2019. Rutilo – Rutilus rutilus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. López, P., Martín, J., García-Berthou, E. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.
[4] Saura-Mas, S., Arranz, I., Jover, M., Brucet, S. and Benejam, L. 2017. Inventari de la riquesa faunística i florística de cinc basses temporànies del Parc Natural del Cap de Creus.
[3] Sgarzi, S., Ersoy, Z., Caelles, M., Ortega, P., Arranz, I., Benejam, L., and Brucet, S. 2017. Restoration of Mediterranean temporary ponds in Can Torres (Serra de l´Albera, NE Spain). Part 1. The aquatic environment.
[2] Arranz, I., Benejam, L., Caelles, M., Ersoy, Z., Sgarzi, S., and Brucet, S. 2015. Restoration of Mediterranean temporary ponds in Can Torres (Serra de l´Albera, NE Spain). Part 1. The aquatic environment.
[1] Arranz, I., and Valle, L.G. 2013. Els fongs endosimbionts d´artròpodes a la riera de Gualba (Montseny, Catalunya).
[28] Sánchez-Hernández, J., Jiménez-Corbacho, C., García-Astillero, A., and Arranz, I. 2024. First evidence of feeding on micromammal and fish by a cyprinid species (Squalius carolitertii) in lacustrine food webs. Food webs.
[27] Gurí, R.*, Benejam, L., Ordeix, M., and Arranz, I. 2024. Assessing water diversion impacts on the fish community size structure in headwater stream stretches. Hydrobiologia. *co-supervision
[26] Arranz, I., Batllori, E., Linares, C., Ripple, W.J., and Bonada, N. 2024. Integrative research of Mediterranean climate regions: a global call to action. Environmental Conservation.
[25] Arranz, I., Grenouillet, G., and Cucherousset, J. 2023. Modulating effects of human pressures on climate warming-induced changes in size spectra of stream fish communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 7: 1072–1078.
[24] Xu, M., and Arranz, I. 2023. Maximum Entropy models predict the spatial variation in fish metabolic scaling in stream communities. Journal of Animal Ecology, 92: 1203–1215.
[23] Arranz, I., Grenouillet, G., and Cucherousset, J. 2023. Biological invasions and eutrophication reshape the spatial patterns of stream fish size spectra. Diversity and Distributions, 29: 590–597.
[22] Marin, V.*, Arranz, I., Grenouillet, G., and Cucherousset, J. 2023. Fish size spectrum as a complementary biomonitoring approach of freshwater ecosystems. Ecological Indicators, 146: e109833. *co-supervision
[21] Gurí, R.*, Arranz, I., Ordeix, M., and García-Comas, C. 2023. Automated image processing to determine the community size structure of riverine macroinvertebrates. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 191: e64320. *co-supervision
[20] Arranz, I., Nobre, R., Cucherousset, J., Carvalho, A., Favriou, P., Garcia, F., Gimenez, M., Imbert, A., Marin, V., and Paz-Vinas, I. 2022. Promoting lab culture to enhance academic resilience during crises. Ecology and Evolution, 12: e8986.
[19] Arranz, I., Brucet, S., Bartrons, M., García-Comas, C., Alcaraz, C., Bardina, M., Barquero, P. N., Casals, F., Caiola, N., Duran, M. C., García-Berthou, E., Maceda-Veiga, A., Munné, A., Rodríguez-Pérez, M. J., Solà, C., de Sostoa, A., and Benejam, L. 2022. Individual body mass and length dataset for over 12,000 fish from Iberian streams. Data in Brief, 42: 108248.
[18] Arranz, I., Benejam, L., and Miranda, R. 2022. The how, the why, and the what of a new freshwater fish dataset of individual body size in the Iberian Peninsula. Biology and Life Sciences Forum, 13: 18.
[17] Gurí, R.*, Arranz, I., Benejam, L., and Ordeix, M. 2022. Fish community size structure as indicator for bioassessment of weir’s impacts. Biology and Life Sciences Forum, 13: 72. *co-supervision
[16] Arranz, I.ª, Davidson, T. A., Benejam, L., Brucet, S., Sánchez-Hernández, J., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T. L., Mazzeo, N., Vidal, N., Özkan, K., Gallego, I., Wischnewski, J., Menezes, R. F., Tserenpil, Sh., and Jeppesen, E. 2022. Interactive effects of lake morphometry and sticklebacks on the trophic position of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) across lakes in Western Greenland. Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research, 8: 101–115.ªthesis chapter
[15] Arranz, I., Fournier, B., Lester, N. P., Shuter, B. J., and Peres-Neto, P. R. 2022. Species compositions mediate biomass conservation: the case of lake fish communities. Ecology, 103(3): e3608.
[14] Jiménez-Prado, J.*, and Arranz, I. 2021. The response of fish size and species diversity to environmental gradients in two Neotropical coastal streams. Hydrobiologia, 848: 4419-4432. *supervision
[13] Arranz, I., Brucet, S., Bartrons, M., García-Comas, C. and Benejam, L. 2021. Fish size spectra are affected by nutrient concentration and relative abundance of non-native species across streams of the NE Iberian Peninsula. Science of The Total Environment, 795(15): 148792.
[12] Sgarzi, S., Brucet, S., Bartrons, M., Arranz, I., Benejam, L., and Badosa, A. 2020. Factors Influencing Abundances and Population Size Structure of the Threatened and Endemic Cyprinodont Aphanius iberus in Mediterranean Brackish Ponds. Water, 12(11): 3264.
[11] Arranz, I.ª, Hsieh, C. H., Mehner, T. and Brucet, S. 2019. Systematic deviations from linear size spectra of lake fish communities are correlated with predator-prey interactions and lake-use intensity. Oikos, 128(1): 33-44.ªthesis chapter
[10] Bartrons, M., Arranz, I., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Sgarzi, S., Lauridsen, T., Landkildehus, F., Quintana, X., Brucet, S. and Jeppesen, E. 2018. Fish shift the feeding behaviour and trophic niche diversification of their prey in subarctic Lake Mývatn, Iceland. Hydrobiologia, 816(1): 243–254.
[9] Busquets, L., Arranz, I., Panisello, M. and Valle, L. 2018. New species of Harpellales and Amoebidiales from the N-E Iberian Peninsula. Nova Hedwigia, 107(3-4): 437-457.
[8] Ersoy, Z., Jeppesen, E., Sgarzi, S., Arranz, I., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Quintana, X.D., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T.L., Bartrons, M. and Brucet, S. 2017. Size-based interactions and trophic transfer efficiency are modified by fish predation and cyanobacteria blooms in Lake Myvatn, Iceland. Freshwater Biology, 62: 1942–1952.
[7] Brucet, S., Arranz, I.ª, Mehner, T., Argillier, C., Beklioglu, M., Benejam, L., Boll, T., Homlgren, K., Lauridsen, T., Svenning, J., Winfield, I. and Jeppesen, E. 2017. Size diversity and species diversity relationships in fish assemblages of Western Palaearctic lakes. Ecography, 41: 1064–1076. ªthesis chapter
[6] Trochine, C., Brucet, S., Argillier, C., Arranz, I., Beklioglu, M., Benejam, L., Ferreira, T., Hesthagen, T., Kerstin, H., Jeppesen, E., Kelly, F., Krause, T. Rask, M., Volta, P., Winfield, I.J. and Mehner, T. 2017. Non-native Fish Occurrence and Biomass in 1943 Western Palearctic Lakes and Reservoirs and their Abiotic and Biotic Correlates. Ecosystems.
[5] Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Sgarzi, S., Arranz, I., Quintana, X. D., Ersoy, Z., Landkildehus, F., Lauridsen, T., Jeppesen, E. and Brucet, S. 2017. Role of predation in biological communities in naturally eutrophic subarctic Lake Mývatn, Iceland. Hydrobiologia, 790: 213–223.
[4] Arranz, I.ª, Mehner, T., Benejam, Ll., Argillier, C., Holmgren, K., Jeppesen, E., Lauridsen, T.L, Volta, P., Winfield, I.J. and Brucet, S. 2016. Density-dependent effects as key drivers of intraspecific size structure of six abundant fish species in lakes across Europe. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 72: 1-16. ªthesis chapter
[3] Gascón, S., Arranz, I., Cañedo-Argüelles, M., Nebra, A., Ruhí, A., Rieradevall, M., Caiola, N., Sala, J., Ibàñez, C., Quintana, X.D. and Boix, D. 2016. Environmental filtering determines metacommunity structure in wetland microcrustaceans. Oecologia, 181: 193-205.
[2] Arranz, I., Sala, J., Gascón, S., Ruhí, A., Quintana, X.D., Amoedo, J., Martinoy, M. and Boix, D. 2015. Contribution to the knowledge of the distribution of Chaoborus species (Diptera: Chaoboridae) in the NE Iberian Peninsula, with notes on the spatial and temporal segregation among them. Limnetica, 34: 57-68.
[1] Valle, L. G., and Arranz I. 2014. Prevalence dynamics of two endosymbiont fungi (Orphella spp. Harpellales: Kickxellomycotina) and host shift among different Leuctra (Plecoptera) species in a stream community. Fungal Ecology, 7: 27-38.
Other publications
[8] Arranz, I. and Cucherousset, J. 2023. Climate warming effects on stream-fish size spectra are modulated by other perturbations. Research briefing, Nature Ecology and Evolution.
[7] Arranz, I. 2022. Madrija – Parachondrostoma turiense. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. López, P., Martín, J., García-Berthou, E. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.
[6] Arranz, I. 2019. Perca de río – Perca fluviatilis. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. López, P., Martín, J., García-Berthou, E. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.
[5] Arranz, I., and Benejam, L. 2019. Rutilo – Rutilus rutilus. En: Enciclopedia Virtual de los Vertebrados Españoles. López, P., Martín, J., García-Berthou, E. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid.
[4] Saura-Mas, S., Arranz, I., Jover, M., Brucet, S. and Benejam, L. 2017. Inventari de la riquesa faunística i florística de cinc basses temporànies del Parc Natural del Cap de Creus.
[3] Sgarzi, S., Ersoy, Z., Caelles, M., Ortega, P., Arranz, I., Benejam, L., and Brucet, S. 2017. Restoration of Mediterranean temporary ponds in Can Torres (Serra de l´Albera, NE Spain). Part 1. The aquatic environment.
[2] Arranz, I., Benejam, L., Caelles, M., Ersoy, Z., Sgarzi, S., and Brucet, S. 2015. Restoration of Mediterranean temporary ponds in Can Torres (Serra de l´Albera, NE Spain). Part 1. The aquatic environment.
[1] Arranz, I., and Valle, L.G. 2013. Els fongs endosimbionts d´artròpodes a la riera de Gualba (Montseny, Catalunya).